It's time I faced the music. I've gotta to be honest with myself and hold myself to a standard that I hold other people to, but have been unwilling to live by myself. I think they have a word for that: hypocrisy.
Continuing to spend as much time sitting at this computer as I have been... I can't justify it anymore. I'm overdoing it, and I need to step completely away for a while. Some people are able to balance this part of their life with everything else, but as for me, I have done very poorly. And I need to rectify that.
I teach my children to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. I guess I'm back in school, relearning that lesson. Stuff is piling up around here, and I'm not just talking about the dust, dishes and unfolded clothes. My priorities are in the wrong place and it's costing me, big time. Bottom line: My house is not in order.
And I need to see about that.
I think it's important that I remind myself that this blog is not my life. It's just a blog. It's not really what's real.
The irony is that the fear of missing out on something "important" has cost me the most important thing. By putting off facing this issue that has been steadily growing and growing, I have sent the message to people I care about that this is more important to me than they are. And that is just wrong.
I don't know how long I'll be gone, but for now I cannot see an end in sight.
Thank you so much for your understanding, and for really making blogging fun for me... really. I'll miss y'all, but I'll see you when I get back!
*** I am still able to be reached by email. All comments left for me here
are sent directly to my email, so if you need me, I can still be found. ***
are sent directly to my email, so if you need me, I can still be found. ***
Thanks again all of my lovely friends!
And, just in case you came here looking for something to read,
here are a few links to a few of my favorite posts....
A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever
I'm Outdone
I have sunk (sank) (sunken) to a new low
100 Things
I'm no flibberty-ibberty-gibbit
She saw me, and then I saw myself
here are a few links to a few of my favorite posts....
A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever
I'm Outdone
I have sunk (sank) (sunken) to a new low
100 Things
I'm no flibberty-ibberty-gibbit
She saw me, and then I saw myself
Okay well, in case I don't see you... good morning, good evening and good night!