I really do not know that anything has ever been more exciting than diagramming sentences. Gertrude Stein

09 November 2008

If at first you don't succeed...

...try, try again. As they say. This time the balls did not defeat me.
This time, I won.
Happy Birthday to you (again) Sugarhead! Your Mama loves you!

So close you can almost taste it...
saith the evil woman.

And she lived happily ever after.

9 people love me:

Sara@iSass said...

Way to go! Those look SO yummy! I'm thinking I've been a good girl, maybe Santa will send me a tin? I make some darn good toffee! I'm thinking of a trade. HMMMM?

Unknown said...

OK, Fancy Pants! They look delightful and Sugarhead is a doll.

Anonymous said...

*drooling a la Homer Simpson*

Anonymous said...

mmmm...cake balls!!

good job, jo!

Jackie said...

Nice job - you conquered the cake balls! :) They look so good, but not nearly as sweet as your little Sugarhead.

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Definitely a picture of success!

r salvage. said...

You just made me hungry. They look really yummy! and very pretty this time.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I can't decide which I'd rather gobble up...those cake balls or that yummy little girl. :) She is so beautiful.

bren j. said...

JODIE! Those look delectable! I was trying to figure out last night what on earth I could make cake balls for.....I hope Mr. J. has an office party coming up soon!