Word Up - It's Time to Get Wordy!

Word of the Day
I really do not know that anything has ever been more exciting than diagramming sentences. Gertrude Stein

05 December 2008

And now, I REALLY love Carol of the Bells...

GOOD. GRAVY! You have GOT to see [this]! It is Christmas GOLD!

A veritable GOLD RUSH, people.

Get thyself some gold!

Thank you Annie for introducing those of us (or maybe just me)whose lives transpire beneath a rock to the illustrious Dave Barnes video talent. I knew not the level of ya boyz skillz.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Jear's to you all!

2 people love me:

Sara@iSass said...

Well! Somebody gets free starbucks triple shots I'd say! That was hilarious!

bren j. said...

First of all, I am doubly proud to call you my friend after your brilliant use of the phrase "good gravy" which until today, I was convinced was only ever used by my late grama, my cousin, and I.

Secondly, mr. J. is going to laugh himself silly when he sees this. thanks!