Word Up - It's Time to Get Wordy!

Word of the Day
I really do not know that anything has ever been more exciting than diagramming sentences. Gertrude Stein

13 May 2010

And now I know what herpetology means.

We recently acquired a pet, and by "we" I mean "they".  But mostly him... my sweet 7 year old who loves reptiles (and who is also losing teeth faster than I can count.  Makes me squeamish at all the wigglyness and also swoonish at all the cuteness).

Anyway, a green anole [uh-noh-lee] is what we got (although it is sometimes brown, so I don't know why it's called "green").  Until I consulted Mr. The Google, I just thought it's proper name was yard lizard.  Because that's where I caught it.  In the yard.

It lives outside in the wild.  Well, outside in an aquarium-like "reptilian habitat" filled with  black and white rocks and also plastic plants, so it's like the wild... only with less danger.  And more plastic leaves.

So, paradise, basically.

Here's the thing though.  It won't let us watch it eat.  What do you think of that?  We pour in crickets, we wait.  Nothing.  Here's how I imagined it though.  Lizard + Crickets = instant Animal Planet Hunting Showdown Extravaganza.  A veritable feeding frenzy!

So far though, the young lad (lass?) ain't down with that.  It likes to eat alone, all private like, which is okay because I can respect a thing's privacy, but I only wish it weren't so shy.  I like to observe the science.  Like shedding, and devouring crickets.  *eyebrow raise*  Yummy.